Tusker International (Creative Works) Ltd.
Legal Keys 5e: Organization
Each of Legal Keys eight units is devoted to one area of law. Each is self-contained so students may work on the units in any order. The drills and timings in each unit increase in length and difficulty as students progress through the unit. 
Word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph practice provides students with an opportunity to 
practise accurate keying of the legal terminology. Students are encouraged to look up the meanings of unfamiliar terms.
1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 10-minute timings are of adequate length to challenge students who have varying keyboarding speeds. All students have ample opportunity to practise both keyboarding speed and accuracy.
Comprehension 1 follows the 1-minute timings and presents a series of sentences related to the preceding one-minute timed writings, but the legal terminology is missing. Students are required to fill in the missing legal terms.
Comprehension 2 follows the 2-minute timings and presents a series of words that students must put into sentences of their own composition.
Comprehension 3 follows the 3-minute timings and presents a series of sentences containing misused and misspelled words; incorrect grammar, punctuation, and capitalization; as well as factual errors. Students are required to locate the errors and key the sentences correctly.
Additional Timings provides a selection of 100 downloadable timings of varying difficulty:
​       ♦ - Easy Timings
     ♦♦ - Intermediate Timings
   ♦♦♦ - Advanced Timings

The Additional Timings are all 1-page in length and introduce students to even more legal topics as well as reinforce the topics covered in the unit.

Production Exercises give students an opportunity to produce generic legal correspondence and documentation. The exercises incorporate legal terms from the preceding drills and timings in the unit and are designed to encourage students to use their common sense and initiative. They contain factual, formatting, terminology, spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors that students are expected to correct. 
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Each unit is organized as follows:
  •  Word practice (20 words)
  •  Phrase practice (10 phrases)
  •  1-minute timings (5 timings)
  •  Comprehension 1 (6 sentences)
  •  Sentence practice (12 sentences) 
  •  2-minute timings (4 timings) 
  •  Comprehension 2 (10 words)
  •  Paragraph practice (6 paragraphs) 
  •  3-minute timings (3 timings) 
  •  Comprehension 3 (12 sentences)
  •  5- or 10-minute timings (3 timings) 
  •  Additional Timings (12+ timings)
  •  Production Exercises (6 exercises)