Friday July 31 - Tuesday August 4                                                                 Qualicum Beach/Parksville, BC
We'd made arrangements to visit friends over the August long weekend. A treat for us as it means we don't have to endure a holiday weekend with the masses (of kids) at an RV park and/or campground. And more importantly, a chance to catch up!

First up, our good friends, Betty and Frank and their two Husky kids. 

Here's Ishara ("Ish") showing Jen a little love.

Tuesday morning, we went looking for a coffee. We stopped at the Qualicum Beach waterfront and noticed this musk ox stuck in the sand.

Back on the deck, Wednesday, we spent a delightful morning chatting with Lois over coffee; Bob was golfing. We watched the eagles soaring above and then alighting on the top of their favourite lookout trees.
And here's Bob demonstrating his athletic prowess. 
One of the flowing plants caught our eye – it's a "Rock trumpet" a.k.a. Mandevilla. The flowers are very dramatic – a lovely shade of dark, dark red. We gotta have one of these when we again have a garden!
We left Betty and Frank's early Monday afternoon. We drove south to the Community Park in Parksville so Jen could have her afternoon rest before we hit good friend's Bob & Lois's place.

After setting up Ali at the back end of their long driveway, we joined them on their side deck. What a pretty spot to spend an afternoon (or morning)! 

Again, this picture does not do the deck justice. It is a truly lovely spot to set awhile!

Saturday was a good day to work outside - sunny but not too hot. I took the opportunity to replace the two old Halogen driving lights on Alfie with a pair of LED ones. 

I'm only including this task so I have a record of when I did it. 

One of the old Halogens lenses was cracked and the other one's reflective surface was black. 

I don't think the LEDs are anything tremendous; they just look a lot cleaner.
We strolled into downtown Qualicum Beach Saturday morning. The displays of flowers throughout the downtown area were stunning. These pictures do not do the town's efforts justice.
You'd be correct if you're wondering if Bob was a hockey player in his earlier years. 

He's quite the character but his linguistic skills aren't the best – his name is spelled wrong on his tee-shirt. 

All kidding aside, the tee-shirt is from his son's bike shop in Victoria – Oak Bay Bikes. 

Bob's a good sport! And not to be forgotten, Lois is a sweetheart.
Early Wednesday afternoon we left Parksville, heading inland for Whiskey Creek Campground, a small campground we have not stayed at before.

See you there.