Oct 02 - Crescent City - Second day
Fortunately, the fog horn did not keep us awake overnight. I guess it is one of those things when you live on the coast and are right by the harbour. I'd rather have the fog horn than a shipwreck!

We awoke to a pretty sight this morning- fog offshore with the lighthouse in sunshine.
I spent some time after breakfast updating the blog - getting behind is not fun! Then we hopped into the van to go to the "Trees of Mystery" in Klamath, and the gondola ride through the trees.
Overall impression of Trees of Mystery? Bordered on being classed as a tourist trap. There was really nothing to see up top even if the fog had cleared from the coast. The ride up was slow - each time a gondola reaches the loading point, the whole system slows to a crawl - not like the hi-speed lifts we are used to at places like Whistler-Blackcomb! But the Brotherhood Tree was worth it. (Although I wonder how it will compare to trees that we are going to see further south?!)

We had a bite of lunch across the highway, then Jen wanted to go and find the Tour Thru Tree and try getting the van through it.

Here we are entering...
The staff were very kind. Jen could not walk the steep 4/10ths mile walk to the bottom of the gondola, so the clerk called the "shuttle". We rode to the bottom station, then rode the gondola to the top, about 500' higher. Workers were rebuilding the main part of the lookout - a bit of a bust that no one down below mentioned, but it didn't matter as the fog had not yet lifted from the coast.
When we got back to the bottom, we walked to the Brotherhood tree, the largest tree on the property.
Jen rode the shuttle back to the van while I walked the pathway down. There were carvings of various sorts along the way.
We returned to Crescent City to find the rv park bathed in sunshine. The breeze is quite stiff, but the temperature is a pleasant 19C.

Tomorrow we head south to Fortuna and hopefully some bigger Redwoods.

We'll see you there!
Tourist items ticked off for today, we turned north and headed back to Crescent City. Jen took some pictures of the forest at the side of the highway on the way back.
and leaving.
Okay, confession time.....the van was too wide to get through the tree, so we faked it.
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