Oct 14 - Change of Plans
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We spent today at the RV park. We did not go to Monterey as planned as we did not hear from the UK rellies. But that was okay. They're probably super jet-lagged and haven't yet figured out where they are and what time it is!

For Jennie and I, we've been living our new life for close to 6 months now - we left our good friends in Errington behind on May 1 and started wandering around BC and the Yukon. We always knew the van was going to be "Alfie" as in "what's it all about, Alfie". And we thought Phoebe was a good name for our home on wheels. But nah, we just couldn't wrap our heads around Phoebe. 

We're parked beside an exquisite 1989 Beaver Marquis. This is a very pretty, classic motorhome that's in excellent shape. I finally had an opportunity to speak to the lady who calls this motorhome home this afternoon. I won't bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say, we discussed her "classic" and our "tin can." It occurred to me during the conversation that we should call our rig "Ali" as in Tin Can Alley. So now Alfie is accompanied by Ali! I'm glad that is settled.

But what is not settled is where we go from here. Again I am not going to bore you with all the details (many of which are not known at this point), but Jen and I have decided to return to Vancouver Island. This is a bit sudden and certainly is not what we planned, but it is the prudent thing to do.

 It's been an amazing 6 months and we hope to continue next year. But right now, we must return to Vancouver Island for the winter.

So this is not the end; it is just a pause. We'll let you know when we hit the road again next May.

Until then, thanks for following along with us on our amazing journey!

All the best,

Doug & Jennie

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