Apr 16 - An Update...
Well, our To-Do list is down to just a couple of items, so I guess it will soon be time to leave "home."
It has been a good couple of weeks here. I've be able to slowly pick away at getting things done on our rig.
I mentioned in an earlier post that we now have a table. This certainly is an item that we are enjoying. I don't think either of us realized how much nicer having dinner at the table is as opposed to eating off our laps. Even though we have a designated computer station, it's really nice to work off the table – lots of room to spread out the laptop, mouse, and associated paperwork, etc.

In other news, I finally screwed up the courage (read: ran out of other things to do) and got the various 12v systems working off the battery bank. A while back, we realized that Jen's wheelchair really needed new batteries. So after checking locally, we ordered a pair of 12v Gel batteries from Batterybuyer.com. This Canadian outfit sells batteries for absolutely everything! Check them out – you won't be disappointed. Jen's two new batteries, including shipping from Ontario, were $100 cheaper than if we had purchased them locally!   
Yes, the next order of business is some proper labels!
So I figured, rather than recycle the old batteries, I'd install them in Ali. I purchased cables to tie the two batteries together, fuses, connectors, etc. and along with a "smart" charger from Canadian Tire, connected everything together. SPDT switches allow us to switch between 12v power through our converter when we're connected to shore power and 12v power from the battery bank. And it all works!
Having the ability to run the water pump, ceiling fan, and all the lights off the battery bank will mean those times when we want to stop for lunch, at a rest stop, etc., we will have some creature comforts. I'm also looking forward to the first time we "boondock", when we camp where we are not connected to shore power.

I hope I haven't bored you too much. We plan to head out this Tuesday Apr 19. We'll take BC Ferries to Tsawwassen then head south into Washington state.
So be sure to come back soon.
Until then...