Monday April 1                             Sunny and warm - shorts & t-shirt weather                            Victoria, BC
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Today, after 6 months at Cape Lazo, we had to remember how to pack up Ali and get Ali hooked up to Alfie. There really wasn't anything to worry about; it all went rather smoothly. We pulled out of Cape Lazo ahead of schedule, looking forward to the drive south to Victoria.

We stopped at one of our favourite coffee haunts – Creekmore Coffee - just north of Parksville and spent a delightful 45 minutes chatting with our good friends Betty & Frank. They've sold their acreage and are in the process of moving into Qualicum Beach. Exciting times for everyone; Betty & Frank, a new home; us, the open road.

Next stop was our storage locker in Parksville. Out with the winter stuff and in the summer items. Okay, I think we've got it all, let's go.

We stopped in Chemainus next for a walk-about and to visit a bead shop.

Shortly after 3 p.m., we arrived at Salish RV Haven, on the north side of the Victoria harbour. 
Not cheap, but well worth it, being so close to downtown Victoria – we can walk there!

​Tomorrow, the weather is forecast to be sunny and warm again. We're going to walk into the downtown Victoria Library, among other stops. Please join us then.

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Here's our site just inside the park. We look out on the boats and floating homes.
I suggested to Jen that we walk to Spinnakers Brew Pub for dinner. It's about 1.9km along the Songhees Walkway.  Before we got to the start of the walk, we strolled by Captain Jacobson park. Boy, did that house remind us of Nova Scotia!
Songhees Walkway is a combination of boardwalks and concrete paths that winds along the north shore of the harbour right to the Johnson Street bridge.
Along the walk we came across a group of people watching an otter feeding on a rock. No, you read that wrong. The otter was sitting on a rock, feeding. I took a picture but I really was too far away. But boy, that was one very well fed otter!

We looked back towards the RV park and then arrived at our destination - Spinnakers Brew Pub.
After dinner it was time to head back to the park.